Brand Exclusivity
Provide Pizza Maru brand exclusivity
Provide franchise business exclusivity on recruiting franchises in contracted area
Standard Provision and Joint Research
Kitchen Facility
Provides standards on oven, kitchen equipment etc
Joint research on local facilities that meets standards
If fail to meet the standard, we’ll figure out a way to import them from Korea or other countries
Food Materials
Provides standard on food materials
Joint research and confirm food
material distribution route -
Select products’ unit price
Local Test
Local food material test
Headquarter staff will be dispatched
to local for local food test
Equipment Test
Test suitability of the given
kitchen equipment’s by local partner

1st Store
Interior Design
3D Interior Plan
Regular Training and Management
2 Regular trainings every year: To check whether partner follows recipe, manual etc
Support Marketing Materials
Provide marketing materials such as design, video, poster and so on that belongs to Pizza Maru HQ
Provide know-how when participate exhibition and fair
Provide diverse marketing methods implemented in Korea
New Menus
2 Regular trainings every year: To check whether partner follows recipe, manual etc